Wednesday, September 2, 2009

People Come & People Go

~ When People Walk Out Of Your Life, Sometimes It's Best To Just Let Them Go, You Will Need The Space For Better Things That Will Arrive... TOTD, Me. At times people leave and we sit and wonder why, we beat ourselves up hoping that one word or one gesture will bring that person or persons back, but many times letting go is the answer to what is in front of our faces. Will it hurt? Yes it will hurt extremely bad, you may loose sleep, you will question your love is it not good enough. But often times it's not about what you couldn't do it's about what they aren't ready for.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... you hit the nail on the head with this one for me. This is something that I really needed to read right now in my life. I tried to convince myself to do a certain thing (let go), and to think a certain way, but reading it from someonw else is completely something different. I really needed to read this. Sometmes you just have to realize that things aren't gonna go the way you want them to in life, but enough self belief and direction they will end up the way you want. Like my fav verse in the Good Book says: "For everything there's a reason, A SEASON FOREVERYTHING ACTIVITY UNDER HEAVEN." Thanks hun.
    -Ur fav 15,
    "Black {|}"
